Customer Service Italy: General Information and Support

Customer Service Italy: General Information and Support

If you are a customer in Italy and need assistance, you are in the right place. We are here to provide you with all the necessary information and support to solve your problems. Read on to find out how to get help with various issues.

Refunds and Delivery Times

If you have placed an order and would like information on refunds or delivery times, we are here to help. Contact us providing your order number and we will provide you with all the necessary information.

Order Processing

If you have any questions or need assistance regarding order processing, our support team will be happy to help. Provide your order details and we will provide you with updates on the processing status.

Item Damaged or Never Received

If you received a damaged item or never received the item you ordered, please contact us immediately. We will guide you through the process of returning or shipping a new item to ensure your satisfaction.

Questions about Loyalty Points

If you have questions about loyalty points or collecting and redeeming points in our program, we're here to answer your questions. Contact us and we will provide you with all the information you are looking for.

Problems viewing the website

If you are having problems viewing our website, please contact us. We will do our best to resolve the problem and ensure that you can browse and use the site without inconvenience.

Problem Completing an Order

If you are having difficulty completing an order, please contact us immediately. Our support team is here to help you resolve any issues and ensure you can place your order successfully.

Contact our Customer Service

If you need help or support, do not hesitate to call our customer service number: 328/4746247 . We are available from Monday to Saturday from 9.30am to 7.30pm, excluding public holidays. Our support team speaks Italian and will be happy to help you.

Remember that our customer service manager is Mrs. Valentina Sergi. You can contact her directly for any specific problems or questions.

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